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Orthokeratologi (ortho-k) adalah sejenis kanta lekap separa keras khas yang hanya dipakai pada waktu malam atau ketika tidur. Kanta lekap ini bertujuan membentuk permukaan pada depan mata iaitu kornea bagi menghilangkan refraksi mata, jadi pemakai dapat melihat secara jelas pada…

Ambliopia (Mata Malas)

Ambliopia juga dikenali sebagai ‘mata malas’ ialah satu keadaan di mana mata kelihatan normal tetapi penglihatan salah satu mata kabur kerana mata dan otaknya tidak berfungsi dengan baik. Ambliopia adalah punca kerosakan penglihatan yang biasa berlaku di kalangan kanak-kanak. Kecuali…


We have wide varity of contact lens solutions for Gas permeable lenses. This special lenses need special care. Visit or call us for more informations.

Soft Contact Lens

Soft contact lens is a medical device you wear on your cornea to correct any refractive error in your eyes. Colour lenses is also categorised as medical device as it is also in contact with the eyes and need same…


Vision may be improved by a large variety of products and magnifiers is one of the options available. Magnifiers is suitable for people who want to see small prints or details clearly. Some people might need it more than the…


Orthokeratology (ortho-k) is the fitting of specially designed gas permeable contact lens for overnight wear. While you are asleep, the lenses gently reshape the front surface of your eye (cornea) so you can see clearly the following day after you…

Gas Permeable Contact Lens

Gas permeable (GP) contact lens is a type of contact lens made with firmer material. This contact lens is specially design to fit the need for crispy clear stable vision. It provides excellent vision, maintain good corneal health, durable, easy…

Colour Vision Deficiency ( Colour Blind)

Colour vision deficiency is the inability to distinguish certain shades of colour. Most common colour deficiency is a red-green deficiency. The colour reds, oranges, yellows, browns and greens may all appear to be similar but with different brightness and saturation.…

Children Frames

Frames for babies and young children. Baby Frames This one-piece frame with wrap-around temples has been conceived for very young babies, aged from 1 to 3. It is made with co-injection technology using rubber materials of different densities.The absence of…

Amblyopia (Lazy Eyes)

Amblyopia also known as “Lazy Eyes” is a condition where the eyes look normal but vision in one of the eyes is reduced because the eye and the brain are not working together properly. Amblyopia is a common cause of…